Waterproofing and Damp Proofing Consultants |
TRAINING & COURSESFormal training in all aspects of structural waterproofing and damp-proofing is available both in the lecture room and on site. Courses can be tailored to suit the needs of individual companies. Guidance can be given in instituting training schemes for companies. (For further information on courses, click here..... [Top] STRUCTURAL SURVEYSWe can provide on site surveys to assess the suitability of a structure to accept a particular structural waterproofing system. [Top] DESIGN & SPECIFICATIONSWe can assist with the design of basement waterproofing systems and specifications for specific projects. For more information on how this can be achieved, click here............. [Top] ON SITE SUPERVISIONWe can provide supervision on site to ensure that specifications are adhered to by the applicators. [Top] SITE INVESTIGATIONWe can investigate problems and failures, provide informed opinion about the cause of failures, and provide guidance on the appropriate remedial measures. [Top] SEMINARSWe are able to assist companies wishing to provide seminars to architects, engineers, surveyors, etc. [Top] LITIGATIONWe have considerable experience in site investigations and reporting on matters that are likely to become litigious, or have already become so, and also in providing expert witness services in court. An informed, independent opinion can often help resolve potentially litigious situations before they become more serious. [Top] SMALL CLAIMSFor litigation claims under £5,000, the Small Claims Division of the County Court can usually be used. We are able to offer help and advice about small claims. [Top] LITERATURE WRITINGWe have considerable experience in writing technical literature for companies, as well as writing technical articles. [Top] ARBITRATIONWe offer an informal arbitration service to assist in resolving disputes simply, fairly, and inexpensively. [Top]
2001- 2002 Phil Hewitt Associates Ltd. All rights reserved in all media. |